Sunday, March 9, 2008

10:30 pm Sun 3/9

Today was a tough day. Our 5pm visit was brief because her pressures are too high and we had to leave because we worry we stimulate her too much and they had to take her away for a CAT scan due to the pressure is running at 30. We called in about 8pm and her pressure is at 20 and no results are back from CAT scan. We just got back from 9pm visit and pressures are down! Still no CAT scan result, so Mon will bring us more info. We are glad pressures are down to 7-8. We will sleep better.

I have to say that with such a rough emotional day there is an overhwhelming sense of calm now for us all. The prayer vigil at Cathedral of Immaculate Conception will be something that will carry me through not only this but will be in my heart forever. Words can not express that experience this evening. It took my breath away when I got out of the car to walk up the large entry steps into the cathedral and saw all the candles placed on the steps that lit this magical place up. Then, to walk in and see all the people there was truly uplifting. The music, the prayers and your kindness are so appreciated. Thank you Gina and others for coordinating this. For those of you who do not know the history, MJ and her 6 siblings spent our life in this parish. We were baptized and confirmed here. Being in there tonight was so emotional and powerful. I could go on and on about this but I will save that story and tell it all to MJ. I live in Atlanta and coming back to my home church is always special. But this one takes the prize.
Life is good!
Love, Cindy


Phillip & Frankie said...

MJ is feeling the love around her, having all the love from husband and siblings not to mention friends will get her though this.
We love you MJ!

Love Phillip & Frankie

Mary Louise Tavernaro said...

Hi Cynthia,

Laura shared with me what happened and I have read every word of the blog. I will keep MJ and your entire family in my prayers. The vigil sounds like it was lovely. It was wonderful of your friends to organize it. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or your family on the home front. I'll be happy to help in any way that I can.

Take care,
Thinking of you and your sister,
Mary Louise
(770) 792-4964
(770) 529-7998

Ted Townsend said...

This is the entry for today, March 10th from the Forward Day By Day, which mostly has Episcopal and Anglican readers, however applies to all Christians and I think is timely for MJ, her family and all that love her:

Psalm 31. "My times are in your hand."

This poignant psalm moves repeatedly from cries for God's help to affirmations of gratitude and trust. The images throughout are vivid: the pslamist grieves that he is as useless as a broken pot; his life is like a besieged city; God is his strong rock, a castle to keep him safe. Both the anguish of his present circumstances and his trust in God are deep and strong, and expressed in a powerful rhythm.

According to Luke's Gospel (23:46), Jesus' last words from the cross were from this psalm: "Into my hands I commend my spirit."

The whole psalm breathes Jesus' own character, the consistent suffering and trust of his passion. It is hard not to imagine that Jesus, long before the crucifixion, had learned this one by heart.

The intimate trust and profound self-offering of Jesus' entire life might be summed up by this psalm, not just his last breath spent in committing his spirit to his Father, but also perhaps in the words: "My times are in your hand."

How might it change our lives if every morning we not only commended our spirits to God, but placed every second, every heartbeat, every breath, in God's hands all over again?

Inman Family said...

Thank you so much for the updates on MJ. Feelings of helplessness have sometimes been overwhelming but reading all the comments helps tremendously. We lift our prayers up for her healing and to Davey, Amie and the other family members for continued strength.

Sherry Inman and Family

Kenya said...

Hello My name is Kenya Bradshaw. Kim and Lauren informed me about MJ's accident and I wanted to post and just say how sweet MJ ALWAYS was when I would see her and how she was never seen without a smile to brighten my day. I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

tcbhatcher said...

Davey, Amie & Brian,
Just want you to know I have you guys & MJ, Wife & Mom, in my thoughts & prayers... Frank, I'm thinking of you as well, & Cindy, as she is also a great sister to her siblings...

My thoughts & prayers will remain w/ you thru this difficult time, & MJ's smile will be w/ me as well...

Your friend,
Billy Hatcher