Thursday, March 6, 2008

945 thursday night

First off, I would like to say that EVERY ONE has been wonderful!! Pitt, Barbara and Teresa are God Sent Saints and we are blessed to have them in our live and batting for MJ making sure that she has the best care and receiving the best attention possible...and believe me, she is. The doctors are answering all of our questions and will not leave until we completely understand her current condition.

She has been moved to the Trauma ICU and is under excellent care. This is the best place for her right now considering her condition and everything that is going on...all the right doctors are at arms reach.

There is more information on her actual condition that we will update in the morning....Aunt Cindy was diligently taking notes while Davey was relaying the phone conversation with the doctor to everyone.

Thanks for your comments, they are being read and re-read by all of us! It is comforting to know that she is in every ones thoughts and prayers.

On a side note, we use to think that Davey was a very popular, well known Memphian but come to find out...Davey is not the popular one, MJ is just when he is with her, he gets all the attention maybe because of his hair?!?!?!?!!!!!!

Current needs - Cooler(s)....we need to keep the beer cold because we are using the fridge for the wonderful food that is being brought.

Love everyone and Thanks again!!



Amy in Memphis said...

thank you for providing this avenue of information for those of us who are concerned for MJ. I know how anxious each of you must feel for her.. please know that she will remain in our prayers, as well as the prayers of members at Highland Church of Christ, until which time MJ has fully recovered.

The Bible reminds us that 'all the days ordained for thee were written in MY book before one of them came to be'; i am grateful to God that MJs life was spared and that she is in a wonderful facility to help restore her health.

Amy Bethea
GTx, Inc.

dhiresha said...

Aloha Davey, just to let you know how well the "coconut wireless" works - all the way to Hawaii. I am sending LOTS of prayers your way. My neice Angela, was in the same unit where MJ is, about 7 years ago after she was hit by a truck while she was walking across Highland Ave. on St.Patrick's day. She and my sister (her mother), who are now BOTH on the staff at St.Jude's Hospital, contribute the care that she received in the Trauma Unit (along with ALL the prayers that came from so many diverse people) - and the extensive rehab treatment she participated in ASAP - with the "miraculous" recovery that she made. Knowing that MJ is receiving the best medical care possible must give you some good encouragement. But if that is NOT enough, i will tell you about a 67 year old friend of mine who sustained a serious head injury here in Hawaii in November, and unfortunately we do NOT have the excellent facilities that you have in Memphis, and he spent almost 3 months receiving very minimal medical interventions at a small Community Hospital - BUT, he received boatloads of prayers - also from a very wide range of people - and he finally flew 2 weeks ago on a commercial airline (with a travel nurse) to a place in Arizona where he has already made so much progress in his rehab program that everyone in the whole place is completely blown away by the "miracle" that they are witnessing....
So i am sending lots of prayers from the Big Island of Hawaii for ALL of you in Memphis - and as they get added to the circle of prayers that are already enveloping ALL of you, i add one big dose of ALOHA - and suggest that you bring MJ to Hawaii when you're both ready to celebrate!
Much love to all of you,

JTDavis62 said...

You are all in my thoughts, especially MJ, who I know will fight back to health.

Much love,
James T. Davis, Jr.

Janice & Sam Tune said...

MJ, Davey, Amie, Brian and family: Our continued love & support are with you. Hopefully, MJ will have a surprisingly fast recovery, especially with her enthusiasm and determination. All of you have an amazing support team cheering for MJ's recovery!

Janice and Sam Tune

PS-Thanks for the updates.

Shelby Pruden said...

MJ, Amie, Davey:

My prayers for MJ and you guys!!! Times like this make me wish I wasn't deployed right now. I gonna have my Mom put her on the prayer list at church. I'll be home in May so I'll see you guys soon.

SPC Pruden, Shelby
1175 TC/ LTF 10 HHD
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait

scheibelhut said...

MJ, Davey and Family-

All of you are in our prayers! We love you MJ!!

Bob, Heather, John, Lilly and Tommy

p.s. We think you're pretty special too, Davey.

Becky and Gil said...


This situation touches us even more deeply that it might have before.
MJ must be all right. We will do our best to will it so. We are at your disposal.

Becky and Gil

gina said...

Davey & family, Words cannot express the way we feel about you all. MJ is a fighter and we all know that. Our continued thoughts and prayers are with you all, and knowing MJ she will come through this with flying colors. We know it will be a long road for her, but feel sure she is up to the challenge with the support and love of family and friends. Keep the faith! We love you...Gina, Tommy, Brian & Blake Epperson
PS...MJ you're the greatest!

Missi J R said...

MJ and family~
I prayed and will continue vigilant prayers for you and the family. I will spread the word to others as well. Our Lord is cradling MJ in his hands and will continue to do so. Much love to you all.

Miss (friend of Brad, Tia, Maya, Jane, & Joe and the rest of the Herring kids)
{Nashville, TN}

kim@blueskycouriers said...

Sending out many thoughts and prayers from everyone here at Blue Sky Couriers.

Frank H said...

Thanks to everyone one for there love and support. I do not think I could get thru this without it. this will be a long process of recovery and the family will try to start working on the short term plans of helping Davie and MJ over the next few weeks and it is such a relief knowing we have such a great network that will be there to help out. I will be going to see MJ many times over the next couple of days and if you would like me pass on a msg to her just let me know. Love Frank Herring

diane davis said...

Sending lots of love and good wishes your way with hopes that one day this will all be a distant memory with M.J. back 100o/o. Diane