Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday, March 10,2008

Today's visits both at 9AM and 1PM were very encouraging. Her nurse Patty said she settled down after physician rounds this AM. Her intracranial pressures while still on sedation have been between 5-11. Last evening the readings were heading towards 20. Davey and I (Jane) spoke to the neurosurgery resident regarding the CAT scan last pm. Dr.Neuro took me back to the computer to look at the comparison between the admission CAT scan and last pm. It was amazing to see the decrease in swelling. This is so positve. The ventricular drain was removed this AM becasue of the imrpovement. Her neurological exam is improving and that she, at this moment responds to commands. "MJ move your left foot......she moves it." The right side is much weaker, but she moves it. Remember, her brain injury was on her left. The left side of the brain controls the right and visa versa!

Her vital signs, lab work and xrays are all improving. She will remain on the ventilator until neurologically stable. MJ is still extremely swollen. Being confined to bed and that she received numerous amount of IV fluids during her immediate admission period results in this appearance. This is NOT unusual considering her injuries. Her heart, kidneys and lungs are all doing fine presently. Her right leg and ankle injuries(fracture) have been debrided, cleaned and stabilized.

Most of the family gang has left and will be in and out over time. Joe and I leave tomorrow. Amie and Davey each visited work today between MJ visits. This is good!
Amie will blog later and give you a phone number to call if you want to do anything for the family.

Sorry this is late, but I am computer challenged at times! love to all Jane


Anonymous said...

Great news! I am AnnMarie Schwein, one of the career consultants at IMPACT Group, Mike and Laura Herring's company, in St Louis. I am praying for MJ and her complete recovery, as well as, God to give everyone the stamina that you need to continue in this journey....

Prayer for the day and for all of you:
Jesus, like a mother you gather your people to you; you are gentle with us as a mother with her children.

Despair turns to hope through your sweet goodness; through your gentleness we find comfort in fear.

Your warmth gives life to the dead,
your touch makes sinners righteous.

Lord Jesus, in your mercy heal us (and MJ); in your love and tenderness remake us (and MJ)

In your compassion bring grace and forgiveness, for the beauty of heaven may your love prepare us.

Skip and Tina said...

So thankful for the encouraging report and that MJ is responding to commands--funny isn't she usually the one that tells everyone else what they need to be doing! Looking forward to that again! Love to you all. Tina and Skip

Carol & Rally Collins said...

MJ, Davey and Family,
Many prayers have been said for all of you these past couple of days. Please know that I have emailed the Poor Clare Nuns in Frayser and they are also praying for MJ.

Our love and prayers,
Carol & Rally Collins

Debra Jourdan said...


Lovable Lew Bennett called today to check on your progress. He wants you to know that he is praying for your speedy recovery and loves you very much. He remembers you fondly and calls you a very special lady. Of course, if he could use the blog he would be writing this to you himself! That is what he needed us for; especially you, his favorite lady.

Davey, his thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.

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