Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sat 9am visit

Sat 9am visit

We have changed for the better. Davey, Amie, Laura (sister-in-law), and Lauren (niece) went to see MJ this morning. The Neuro docs wanted to reduce her sedation this morning and the trauma docs weren’t sure so they asked the nurse who’s been attending to Mom; she thought it would be a good idea because she was doing so well; so they reduced her from 15 to 10 (do not know if it is mg or CC or what…doesn’t matter because she is being cut back).

When we arrived, there was more movement in her legs and arms…at times she wanted to open her eyes but could not. I spoke with the nurse about what was going on and this is the plan:
· They lowered her sedation this morning to 10
· They were going to lower it to 5 around 11am
· If she was stable at 5 then they were/are going to take her completely off sedation (it takes 15 to 30 minutes to clear out of the system)
· She still is on pain meds
· When she is off sedation, they are going to wean her off the ventilator and try to get her off of that ASAP
· Once she is off sedation, ventilator out, and is stable, they will take out the bolt; this may happen as soon as tomorrow

Around 9:45, the wonderful nurse lowered her sedation to 5 while we were there. Around 10:05 we started to seem lots of movements. She was lifting her legs up, moving her head, trying to open her eyes and lift her head off the bed. Her ICP rate started going above 20 and she was moving more. Davey was at her left side and Laura and Lauren were at her right, I was sometimes at the left side and feet area. Things were starting to get scary so I stepped out to find the nurse who was standing there the whole time watching what was going on…I could not be in there because it was scary yet encouraging.

Davey saw her eyes open as did I and she wanted to look over at him/us but could not; it was decided that it was best that we leave because she was very disoriented and was not understanding what was going on; she needed to rest so she could start to understand where she was. She heard and saw us and as you know, she just cannot lay there without tending to what we need and talk to us.

Everyone – This is GREAT news!! She is doing so much better than they anticipated. We will not know if they increased her sedation until we go back this afternoon and please pray that she has calmed down and does not need it. She is in great care and I am relieved to know that she is being watched like a hawk. Thanks for all your prayers, thought and positive energy because we are definitely seeing God work in healing her body.


Linda said...

This is such great a sweet answer to our prayers, Amie!
Keep the good news coming.

Linda, Steve & Timmy

Leslie said...

Thank you so much for these updates. MJ is on our minds and in our prayers constantly, as are all of the family. We are so grateful (and not very surprised!) to hear of her great progress; she is strong and has such a wonderful network of support and love.

I just can't wait to hear her laugh and big ol' sneeze again -soon!

Leslie, Ted & Sophie Townsend

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the updates everyone. The news spreads big smiles all around our house and sighs of relief. We are waiting and watching, hoping and praying.
Love, hugs and kisses-
Theresa Dan and the gang

Unknown said...
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Nancy Kay said...

'Atta girl, MJ! That's awesome news! You guys are doing great! Thanks for the updates. Chicago is rooting for all of you!

oxox Nancy Kay

sheila schell said...

Just heard about Mary Jo, and I am so shocked. My prayers are in full force. Keep up the faith and strength. know that you are loved! Sheila Schell and Mark from Nashville--

Skip and Tina said...

We were so saddened to hear the news. You have been in our prayers constantly. We love you MJ--keep fighting. We are thankful for the good news today. Davey and family, we pray that the Lord will provide you with His strength and peace in the days ahead as He continues to strengthen and heal MJ's body. Our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all. Love, Tina and Skip Goode

Phillip & Frankie said...

Hi Davey & MJ
You both and your families are in our hearts. So excited about the news this morning. I love this blog thing, amasing what can be done on computers it is wonderful that we can keep up with MJ's process. Now I will have to turn on my computer everyday. You all hang in there, we are just on the other side of the shelby county line, let us know if you need us. Sounds like you have a full house going on right now.
We love you both
Phillip & Frankie

Janice & Sam Tune said...
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Janice & Sam Tune said...

That's terrific news from your Saturday, 9am visit. She's showing signs of putting up a real fight...WAY TO GO, MJ!! The forces of love, friendship, prayer and positive thoughts are with you every step of the way.

As we repeatedly check your site throughout the day, we are on the edge of our seats awaiting the next update. We read it out-load and over the phone to those who don't have their Internet at hand.

We respect YOUR time to be together as a family and your need for privacy during this stressful time.

Amie, it was great of you to have posted the 'what's needed' request.
Please continue.

Love--Janice & Sam Tune